Here's a quick intro about me

Here's a quick intro about me

Professionally, my bullet-point story goes like this:

  • Started as a copywriter in 2020

  • Became a content writer from 2021 - 2023

  • Decided to shift to product design in 2023

  • Accepted a role as a social media specialist at Atome in 2024 to leverage my strengths while learning about product first-hand.

What you won't find in my resume

What you won't find in my resume

  • I decided to transition to product design because I want to help create better digital experiences for Filipinos.

  • I'm extremely driven to learn. One of the principles I've held since my first job was "If you aren't earning, you better be learning." I have big dreams and getting smarter is how I intend to achieve them.

  • I love running. My proudest running achievement was a 10K at 1:13:52 on January 27, 2024. I'm still trying to break it. Follow me on Strava!

  • Overwatch 2 is the current game I spend some of my free time on, especially when I want to play with my friends.